Cost of sale

Solid support for small costs


There are various costs involved in selling real estate, including fees, taxes, and stamp fees. The commission is what you pay to the trader (agent or real estate company) when you sell the property. Taxes may be subject to real estate transaction taxes (housing income tax and land acquisition tax) and consumption tax, and a stamp fee is required for contracts required for real estate transactions. The cost of selling varies depending on the type of transaction, amount, tax rate, etc., so check the details with a real estate company.

Brokerage fee (only for brokerage)

Expenses to be paid when the sales contract is concluded

The brokerage fee at the time of sale of real estate is the cost to be paid when the sales contract is concluded after requesting a real estate company to mediate the sale.
If the sales contract with the buyer is not reached, no brokerage fee will be charged.

The brokerage fee varies depending on the contract amount, and is capped by the Real Estate Business Act.
If a real estate company receives a brokerage fee in excess of the upper limit, it is a violation of the law.

How to calculate brokerage fees (maximum amount)


The maximum brokerage fee is calculated by multiplying the sale price by a certain percentage.

"The portion with a sale price of 2 million yen or less" → Selling price× 5% (+consumption tax) "The portion with a sale price of more than 2 million yen and less than 4 million yen" → Selling price×4% + 20,000 yen (+consumption tax) "The portion with a sale price exceeding 4 million yen"→ Selling price× 3% + 60,000 yen (+ consumption tax)

* Sale price is calculated excluding tax

Stamp fee for real estate sales contracts (both brokerage and purchase)

Taxes on taxable documents stipulated by the Stamp Duty Act

If you have ever bought real estate, you have paid stamp duty at least once. Not only in real estate, but most people have probably seen stamp duty somewhere. Stamp duty is required when selling real estate to be affixed to the contract of sale of real estate. The stamp duty rate varies depending on the contract amount, and the stamp duty rate increases as the amount increases.

Items exceeding 500,000 yen and less than 1 million yen 500 yen
Items exceeding 1 million yen and less than 5 million yen 1,000 yen
Items exceeding 5 million yen and less than 10 million yen 5,000 yen
Items exceeding 10 million yen and less than 50 million yen 10,000 yen
Items exceeding 50 million yen and less than 100 million yen 30,000 yen
More than 100 million yen and less than 500 million yen 60,000 yen
Selling costs

Cost of sale

Sale costs refer to the costs incurred when selling real estate. Selling costs include fees, taxes, stamp fees, etc. The commission is what you pay to the trader (agent or real estate company) when you sell the property. The fee may be a percentage of the transaction amount or you may pay a fixed amount. Taxes may include real estate transaction taxes (housing income tax and land acquisition tax) and consumption tax. The type and rate of tax vary depending on the transaction amount and transaction type, so check with the tax office or real estate company for details.

Transfer income tax

Taxes paid by the party that transfers real estate

Transfer income tax refers to the tax paid by the party that transfers real estate. Transfer income tax is levied on income obtained by receiving real estate. The transfer income tax rate varies depending on the acquisition price of the real estate, the method of acquisition, the acquisition period, etc. In addition, there are two types of transfer income tax: housing income tax and land acquisition tax. Housing income tax is a tax that is charged when you receive a house (such as a house or condominium). The rate of home income tax varies depending on the acquisition price and the acquisition period. Land acquisition tax is a tax that is charged when receiving land. The rate of land acquisition tax varies depending on the acquisition price and acquisition period.