
If you are thinking of "consulting with a broker" to sell your Niseko property, choosing a broker to consult with becomes an issue. 
What kind of broker should you choose to consult with? 
When selling a property in Niseko Are you worried about how to sell land or property in Niseko? 
There are two selling methods: "purchase" and "intermediation", each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. 
Which selling method is recommended for selling real estate in Niseko? We will 
explain the advantages and disadvantages and which is recommended. 

■ Recommended selling method for real estate in Niseko 

When selling real estate in Niseko, many people are troubled by whether to use "purchase" or "intermediation". There are 
advantages and disadvantages for each of the real estate selling methods by intermediation and purchase. It is 
important to first understand the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, and then choose the real estate selling method that suits your needs.

・How to sell Niseko real estate through "intermediation" 

Intermediation is a method in which a specialist company acts as an intermediary to find a buyer and sell Niseko real estate. Intermediation is 
generally used when the price of land or property is rising. 
Since you can find a buyer and sell, you can find a buyer who will buy under more favorable conditions. 
The advantage of brokerage is that you can expect to sell at a high price. 
However, since brokerage requires you to find a buyer, it may take more time than purchasing.

・How to sell Niseko real estate by "purchase" 

Purchasing is a method in which a specialist company purchases land or property in Niseko. Since 
purchasing does not require you to find a buyer, it is a selling method that is often used when you want to sell quickly. The 
advantage is that the sale is completed in a short period of time compared to brokerage. 
However, the market price for the selling price is lower than brokerage. 

■ Recommended selling method for Niseko real estate 

When selling Niseko real estate, we recommend using different selling methods according to your "needs". Here 
are some examples of recommended selling methods according to your needs. 

1. I want to sell Niseko real estate quickly! I want to complete the sale by a specific date I want to 

sell Niseko real estate quickly. 
I want to complete the sale by a specific date. 
If you have such needs, we recommend selling by purchase. 

Since purchasing does not require you to find a buyer, the procedure is completed quickly. 
Also, since the buyer is a real estate professional, the sale will proceed smoothly in that respect as well. 

2. I want to sell Niseko real estate on favorable terms! I'm not particularly in a hurry to complete the procedure 

. I want to sell on favorable terms. 
I don't care about the selling period, so I want to proceed slowly. 
I want to sell at a high price. 
If you have these needs, we recommend selling through an intermediary. 

Since intermediation is a method of finding a buyer and selling, it basically takes longer than purchasing. This 
is a recommended selling method when you want to sell at a high price even if it takes time, or when you are not particularly concerned about the period. 


Niseko's real estate, such as land and properties, is generally on the rise, and sales at high prices continue. 
When deciding how to sell real estate, it is necessary to consider the current situation in Niseko as a reference. 

If you are unsure about selling real estate in Niseko, please leave it to us, a specialist company specializing in the area. 
Niseko Field House will propose a real estate selling plan that suits your circumstances and needs. We 
will explain how to choose a consultation. 

■Where can I consult about selling a property in Niseko? 

The following are the offices where you can consult about selling a property in Niseko.

・Specialized companies that specialize in Niseko properties 

The typical consultation window when selling a property in Niseko is a specialized company (real estate company). In addition 
to specific consultations such as "I want to sell," specialized companies can also provide consultations such as "I'm not sure whether to sell or manage it" and "I want to sell in the future, but what should I do first?" 
Specialized companies can be used as a general consultation window when you are in trouble with a property in Niseko. ・Professionals 

such as judicial scriveners and tax accountants 

Judicial scriveners and tax accountants can also be consultation windows when selling a property. 
However, professional services do not deal with the sale of the property itself. For example, tax 
accountants can handle consultations and procedures regarding taxes when selling a property, but the tax accountant himself will not sell the property in Niseko. Judicial scriveners also basically only consult about registration at the time of 
They are a consultation window for taxes, laws, registration, etc. for sales.

・Financial institutions such as banks Financial institutions 

such as banks are also consultation windows related to the sale of properties in Niseko. 
However, financial institutions such as banks do not handle the sale of properties in Niseko itself. 
They are a consultation point when services such as loans are involved. 
For example, let's say you have a loan balance on a property in Niseko that you want to sell. 
In such a case, the bank from which you borrowed may become the consultation point. 

■ How to choose a consultation point when selling a property When selling 

a property in Niseko, it is recommended to consult a specialist company (real estate company) that is a general contact point for real estate and sales procedures. We 
recommend that you choose a specialist company based on the following points.

1. Do you have a good understanding of the Niseko region? 
→ Is it a specialist company specialized in the area who is familiar with the market price and information? 
2. Can they support the procedures necessary for selling such as taxes and registration? 
→ Do they have connections with professionals and knowledge of taxes related to sales? 
3. Can they provide support in languages ​​other than Japanese, such as English? 
→ Since Niseko properties are popular overseas, it is preferable to have a specialist company that can provide support in English. 


if you have any concerns about Niseko properties, such as "I want to sell" or "I'm not sure whether to sell or manage," please leave it to us, a local specialist company. Since we are a specialist company 
specialized in the Niseko region, we are characterized by our strong knowledge of local circumstances, market prices, and sales channels. In 
addition to being able to support specialized aspects such as taxes, we can also provide support in English. We 
can also handle overseas transactions. 
If you have any concerns about Niseko properties, please feel free to contact us first. 

If you are selling a property in the Niseko area, please leave it to Niseko Field House.

Want to sell your property in Niseko? Recommended selling methods explained