
Competitive estimates are often used in real estate sales. 

What is a "competitive estimate" when selling real estate? 

A specialist in Hokkaido will explain competitive estimates for real estate sales and why you should use competitive estimates. 

■What is a competitive estimate for real estate? 

A competitive estimate is ``obtaining estimates for the same real estate sale project from multiple companies in the same industry.'' 

For example, let's say you want to sell land and your home in the Niseko/Kutchan area. 

There are several companies that specialize in selling real estate. 

Also, different real estate companies have different sales strategies and sales price estimates. 

If you only get a quote from one company when selling real estate, you will not know whether that real estate company is appraising the property at a fair price. 

In the case of purchase, the real estate value may be estimated at a low value considering the profit of the company. 

Obtaining competitive estimates from multiple real estate companies will help you make a decision and compare whether they are accurately assessing the value of your property and which real estate company to hire. 

Utilizing competitive estimates when selling real estate can be said to be important for a more satisfying real estate sale. 

■Reasons why you should use a competitive estimate when selling real estate 

There are three reasons why you should use a competitive estimate when selling real estate. 

・By using competitive estimates, you can sell real estate to your satisfaction.Using 

competitive estimates, you can compare the assessed values ​​of different companies. 

The appraised value and conditions provided by each company are different, so if you compare the estimates, you should be able to find the appraised value and conditions that will allow you to sell your property to your satisfaction. 

In order to sell your property to your satisfaction, you should get a competitive estimate. 

・By comparing competitive estimates, you can choose a better real estate company. 

By comparing the real estate sales conditions of each company through competitive estimates, it will be easier to find the company you want to hire. 

In order to find and choose a better real estate company, a real estate company that better suits your selling needs, you should get competitive estimates. 

・Using competitive estimates will help you understand the real estate market 

price.Comparing competitive estimates will give you an idea of ​​the real estate market price. 

For example, if you request an estimate only from Company A, you may end up thinking that this is the appropriate amount for the sale of your property. 

However, if you compare estimates from multiple real estate companies, each one will give you a different amount, so you can get an idea of ​​the market price, such as ``There is a possibility of selling in this price range'' or ``This price range is the market price.'' 

Competitive estimates can help you understand things that you wouldn't know from a single company's estimate. 

That's why you should actively use competitive estimates when selling real estate. 


competitive estimates lead to better real estate sales and more satisfying real estate sales. 

When selling real estate in Niseko, Kutchan, or Hokkaido, please actively use competitive estimates. 

However, when choosing a real estate company, we recommend that you check not only the content of the estimate, but also the support content and response of the real estate company. 

If you just look at the estimate, you won't be able to tell what kind of support they will provide or how they will respond, so if there is a real estate company that you think you would like to work with, we recommend that you talk to them once. 

For real estate sales, please leave it to Niseko Field House.

Can I get quotes from different companies for the same property? What is a real estate estimate?